How do you open the hood? This is how.

You can't make this shit up.
Dan has repented. He got rid of that POS, bought another truck, and is now starting over. Eventually, his truck will look exactly like the others.
The best part about Dan, is he likes to think he's very knowledgable about mechanics, and particularly likes to criticize others. But then he comes out with stuff like this, and the game is up.
Novadisco asks:
I have a 2004 Disco II SE and noticed the other day I seem to be missing a cover on the bottom of the bell housing? At the very bottom of the bell housing there is a hole approx. 3 inches in diameter with three threaded screw holes. When you look inside you can see the torque converter. My question is, has anyone else lost this cover and driven for a while (three weeks) with out it? The dealer has ordered me a new one and says it is not a big deal? They said it is fine to continue to drive around and they will call me whne it comes in? Your thoughts are much appreciated.
To which Dan responds:
You'll be fine. If you're that worried about it, put some duct tape over it.
So you can unbolt the torque coverter from the fly wheel. It allows you to get a ratchet in there.
You can't make this shit up.
Dan. The torque converter is bolted to the flex plate, not the flywheel. The bolts are accessed from the holes in the front face of the oil pan girdle, not the inspection hole on the bottom of the bellhousing.
What a chump.
The dan chump is a dildo. These followers of homeboy, they sure drive some fucking ugly rides.
ReplyDeleteOMFG I just puked.
ReplyDeleteFunny isn't it? He likes to cut others down over at the plumbers thread. I hope he gets the opportunity to see this awesome blog here.
ReplyDeleteKeep om guessing boys, does it matter?
ReplyDeleteWhat a douchebag, Dan wants another guy's wife.
ReplyDeleteQuote homeboy:
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John Lee
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Peep this thread on ExPo:
It's a normal enough chit-chat thread. You see the typical responses like family photos, inherited chattels, documents, and so on.
But this response stunned me:
I call bullshit.
Then Dan replies:
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Daniel Chapman
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Overlander can live in his Defender if he wants. But his wife can stay with me.