Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Gospel According to John

Some people may wonder where all this material comes from. That's easy, it comes from John Lee's little corner of the web, his own forum at Expedition Exchange.

This is where John comes to preach The One Truth to his followers. Just like Jesus' disciples, John's followers unquestioningly hang on his every word. They bask in the glory that is John's wisdom, and praise his name. So it is written, so shall it be done.

John's forum is where he has handed down his 10 Commandments to his disciples:

Thou shalt not put a tent on your roof
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's trailer
Thou shalt not drive trucks other than Rover
Thou shalt not testify negatively about Expedition Exchange on other forums
Thou shalt not leave Southern California for more than 7 days. Per year.
Thou shall purchase thy equipment at inflated prices
Thou shalt give thanks to John, by always photographing your food before eating
Thou shalt always wear an expensive watch, even while wearing clothes from Walmart
Thy firearms shalt always be solidly colored black, olive green, or dark brown
Thou shalt always put thy possessions in Genuine Pelican Cases

This is the only forum John posts on. John does not allow dissenting opinion on his forum. He claims that only customers of Expedition Exchange can gain access to the gates of his forum. Yet it is known that he denies access to non-believers, while simultaneous taunting them and claiming they have access but are too afraid.

The most relevant chapters of John's gospel are contained in the threads titled:

Plumbers' snorkels are old news
Omega Speedmaster
Need Field Kitchen Advice
Interesting email Exchange
Grocery Getter

These deceptive titles belie the wisdom that is contained therein. These are the threads in which John unleashes his venom on his enemies. He invites all people to read his great works, but does not allow comment, lest they speak untruths.

John himself has been banned and chased off by non-believers from many other forums. Even ones his own business partner Ho Chung control:

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