Friday, July 23, 2010

John Lee On: Customer Care


That thread on ExPo is delicious.

John Lee:

I saw your comment and thought, "huh?". Then I went to ExPo and saw what you were talking about:

That thread is hilarious. All these people are outraged. It's awesome.

"adelatoa" is all pissed. He claims he "laughed his ass off", but you can tell he was seriously hurt when his truck made it to this thread. Just like all of the chumps in the world, he feigns indifference but you can tell he was genuinely hurt when pics of his truck hit this thread.

I love also how the losers of the world congregate and give one another moral support. For example:

For what it's worth, it looks like your truck is very well done and I like it a lot!

Really. Does he really like it or does he say what he does because he feels it has to be said? I think the latter.

"adrenaline503" says:

I'm just a lowly Nissan owner, but that is one of my favorite Land Rovers on here. But what do I know?

Who the hell is "adrenaline503"? Doesn't anyone on ExPo use his real name?

So "adrenaline503" thinks "adelatoa"'s disco is one of his favorites. Nice.

"b jeepin" says:

i could only wish to be as decked out as you are, i am working in that direction. your rig is an inspiration!

And again, this time from "Yudda":

Absolutely... Perfectly said....Your rig is an Inspiration.

I'm inspired all right.

Again, is this reality? Or is "b jeepin" saying this because he feels it needs to be said?

I like this one from "iigs" (whoever that is):

Wow, thanks for the heads up. They had some stuff I was interested in, too. Glad I never bought.

In other words, we lost him as a customer. Even though he never was a customer. Somehow, "iigs" seems to believe it's possible for one to lose something he never had.

"Nashvillerover" says:

I have purchased quite a bit from EE and never have they "approved" me for their forum, nor have they ever answered my inquiries as to why.
I have a truck that I would put up against any truck owned by the owners there. My (enormous ... as they call it) trailer is a South African expedition trailer manufactured for the South African Military. There is nothing shabby about that.
I call a place that allows you to spend your money, but then will not allow you to participate in their forum, and then pokes fun at a customers truck ... SNOBBISH!

PS: my snorkel is a Mantec ... not a plumbers snorkel.

What a loser this guy is.

First of all, I have no idea who he is, because he goes by "Nashvillerover" and not by his real name.

Second, even if he is a customer, he probably registered for our board with the same lame ass "Nashvillerover" and didn't include his real name. That's probably why he was denied a user account on our board. Even losers like John B. McClure have user accounts on our board. There's no reason why we would exclude "Nashvillerover". What, did we think he would out us or something? Were we afraid of his intellectual brilliance? No. He probably didn't give his name.

Third, I love how he has to tell you that he has a real deal trailer and not some piece of shit. That was made for the South African military after all. Big deal. It's still a trailer.

Oh, and his snorkel is a Mantec. Like that makes his truck legit or something. Does this guy really think like that? That's pretty pathetic. It's like this statement of his:

The G-90's are 10 ply and used by the British military.

So G90s are great. They're used by the British military. Is that all this genius has to go on? He just copycats the militaries of the world? If G90s had 11 plies instead of 10, would they be any better?

This is another classic from "Nashvillerover""

I'll also add, that I have no thin skin. I don't care what you think of my truck, ... but DON'T take my money, and then bash my truck.

He doesn't care what we think. He's all pissed off that his truck made it to this thread and he's defending and justifying his butchery and saying how the stickers aren't on the paint blah blah blah and he doesn't care. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. He doesn't care. That's why he previously wrote:

I will be promptly removing my EE decals and will give them NO MORE business. (done plenty with them).

I will personally pledge to sway as many folks away from these pompous asses as possible.

Does that sound like indifference to you? He lashes out with the only weapon in his pathetic arsensal--his dollars. Are this the response of an indifferent person? Hardly. Like all the losers of the world, he first tries to win. When he realizes he can't, he comes back with the all-time loser chump statement: "I don't care".

He tries again here:

The fact that they poked fun at my truck was not the issue here ... nor was it adelatoa's. The fact that we are Customers (yes, we may not spend their minimum required monthly amount to qualify as a forumite), but we were customers none-the-less — and to find customer's trucks on their site being poked fun at is totally UN COOL (especially when they have no means to question the motivation of the comments).

Once again, he's not pissed because people were laughing at his truck. He's pissed because customers at large are not being treated properly. You see, he doesn't care about himself. He's Mr. High Road and cares how others are treated. It's the Principle.

Does this moron think he's fooling anyone? He's so transparent it's pathetic. Even someone as dumb as he is doesn't believe that.

I love how he adds:

For me personally, I love my truck and that is all that matters.

Really. Then why get all pissed off that people were laughing at your truck? Oh you care all right. And you care a lot. It's actually tearing you up that people are laughing at your gay poseurmobile.

Nashvillerover, if you are an EE customer, register again for our BBS and you can write whatever you want. Just register according to the rules and use your real name. First name and last name. Just like everyone else. It really is that easy.

Adelatoa writes:

One of the reasons I joined this group was the level of creativity and execution of projects. Many members are actively doing what ever it take to fulfill their needs of the hobby exploring.

No. The reason you joined ExPo was because it gave you a safe harbor and moral support. You can butcher your vehicle as you see fit, and nobody is permitted to criticize you. Only positive comments and group hugs are permitted. So naturally the only responses you get are "great job", "you're an inspiration", and so on. You may or may not believe these comments, but you'd like to. And you certainly like hearing them. Who doesn't? That's why you joined ExPo. This stuff about creativity is just bullshit.

This "dieselandmud" guy is funny:

I guess Bill Burke's D90 is one of the trucks EE would make fun of too? Look at the pic, I believe I see those awful limb risers, a plumbers snorkel and a poser ARB front bumper.

I guess he doesn't know that we poke fun of Bill's truck all the time, to his face. And yet we're good friends with Bill. Why? Because Bill actually doesn't care what others think of his truck.

This "R Lefevbre" guy is a fucking liar:

I don't know what to say about EE's customer service. I keep hearing accolades about it, but when I called a few years ago because I was wanting to buy an ARB bumper and EP9000 winch, I didn't recieve what I considered good customer service. The call went pretty much exactly like this:

"Hello" (might have even been a "yeah?", certainly no "thanks for calling EE, how can I help you?)

"Uh, hi. I was wondering if the SW EP9000 fits in the ARB bumper. I know the winch is wider than normal, and you sell both, so maybe you know?"


(long pause, waiting for maybe some more detail coming. You know, like a "Yes, we sell them like that all the time." "I've got that setup on my truck." "We've tested it and and it fits for sure." Something, anything that might make me more comfortable about spending $2000 on something far far away and having it shipped, when you're read elsewhere that it won't fit. But, nothing.)

"Uh, OK, thanks."


How many of you have called the shop on how many different occasions? Do we ever answer the phone with a "hello"? No way. Every time I answer the phone, I answer with, "Expedition Exchange, this is John". Every time Ho answers the phone, he answers with "Expedition Exchange."

And Ho and I never hang up on people who call. Well, actually, we do hang up on spammers. But even for the brain pickers we don't hang up on them. We love to have them on the line for as long as possible. It's show time. We always let them hang up. Seriously, who hangs up first when one of you calls? We always hang up second. It's just the way we do things.

This Lefevbre guy is a fucking liar.

It should be noted that R Lefebvre's complaint about the way that phone calls are handled at EE (ie: complete lack of social norms) is not unique on forums. Usually the complaints are deleted by forum administrators because they don't want to cause trouble with a vendor. But you can find them occaisionally if you look. This entire thread was deleted at Expedition Portal. So much for John wanting to live in a world where criticism is allowed.