Poor Classic...

Meticulously ruined.
that guy only has one life, and he's living it, goddamn it.
Chris von Czoernig:
Are you saying poor Classic because of its shame of having to wear that mystery device roof rack or that it has to tow that trailer of shame?
Eric Siepmann:
I guess my only question is why would you need that much gear? Where would you go? That combo would have a tough time on a tame flat Midwestern scenic squirrel watching trail let alone any true expedition style setting...
I would be curious as to what in the South African Army pulled that around. I don't think it was intended for car camping behind a Classic.
I don't think I even own that much crap. Seriously. I could move with that trailer...
And if you have that much space behind you, why would you need a roof rack?
It was funny that Corey jumped in on the defense of this one and that several other Car Campers view it as an "Inspiration".
I am inspired to vomit...
Figures the thread on ExPo is closed. Those guys whine so much. They still forget the very BASIC shit. Like John and Ho didn't torch that truck. One of their customers did. Yet they rally behind the ignorant in disbelief that one of their precious shit mobiles is called out for what it is... Shit-tastic...
ExPo, the new Bloody Oval sans SY...God I hate that sight and the complete wanna be poseurs it attracts...
I wonder if the EE crew has ever read Tom Sheppard's writings? In the Royal Geographical Society's "Expedition Handbook", Tom writes the chapter on "Vehicle-Dependent Expeditions". He recommends using a trailer to off-load weight from the expedition vehicle to keep the vehicle within its GVWR. He also discourages the use of roof racks. Didn't Tom Sheppard make a number of real, bonafide expeditions? And he also wrote a book used by Land Rover to help demonstrate off road driving techniques.